Saturday, July 22, 2006


Another treat via YouTube. PDM found this hilarious Cops parody, Star Wars style. Click it when you have 10 minutes to spare - you won't be disappointed.



LL said...

Troops is pretty funny. Believe it or not, it's been around for many years, at least since 2002 because that's when I saw it first, but it's worth watching.

You want to know something really coincidental? I know the guys that played the two Jawas...

fermicat said...

I'd believe it - PDM first showed it to me a few years ago, along with Tripping the Rift and a couple of other treats he'd downloaded over the years. I like how YouTube makes it easy to find (and share) the classics.

How did you know the jawa guys?

LL said...

I grew up with them, actually. But... that might be a bit of an overstatement. Their dad was from a nearby town and he played the piano and organ. My mom's quite a good pianist as well. Anyway... to make the short story long, we all attended the same church, and he and mom are about the same age, and as their interests were similar, they were good friends. Their dad was the only midget (growing up, he was a midget. Now I guess he's a "little person" :shrug:)in the family, all the rest of the kids were "normal" size. He married another midget and they had the two boys, who were my brother and I's age, so we all hung out and played together for the first 8 or so years of our lives. Then they moved to California and I haven't seen them since, but as I was reading the credits on Troops, there their names were. "Hey! I know those guys!!!" and it was kinda fun for me.

Their grandpa died a year or so ago, so they came back for the funeral, but I was feeding cattle and couldn't make it, which still sucks to this day. I wanted to see all of them again, and give their mom a big hug, because she used to hug us all the time when we were small. Ahhh... good times. ;) Hopefully, they'll come back again to visit with their Uncle/Brother and cousins one of these first days and I'll see them again.