Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's Thursday, But I'm "Having A Case Of The Mondays"

Today started off bad. Moxy was meowing to be let out of her room at 4am and didn't stop until we let her out at 6:45. When I got up, I thought it was Friday. Quickly realized that was not the case and felt the inevitable letdown of knowing I've gotta do it all again tomorrow. Got sprayed in the face when I disconnected the hose after watering my outdoor plants. Hit my funnybone in the shower. Scared the cat. Left the house late. Immediately got stuck behind this old guy in a truck who wouldn't go more than 30 MPH even though the speed limit is 35. Caught every red light between home and work. Now that I'm here, there isn't a whole lot to do, so the day is going to crawl by at a snail's pace.

I'm hoping that all this bad stuff was just the universe giving me my daily dose of bullshit all at once, so I can get it out of the way early. And a light workload means that I should have time to study at work and I won't have to do it at home. Tonight, instead of reading about the physics of MRI imaging, I can watch my tape of Nightmares and Dreamscapes from last night. I might even have a glass of red wine. So things aren't as bad as they appeared an hour ago. And the best thing is that no one here will make a sour face and ask me if I'm having a case of the Mondays.


NYPinTA said...

Too many times I have had days that start out like yours did. I once hit myself in the head with the door as I was leaving my apartment.

fermicat said...


Out of all that schtuff, it was the water thing that really set me off. That was really rude.