Friday, September 01, 2006

Hunter, Prey.

Friday CatBlogging edition: Moxy has developed quite the appetite for chasing/eating buglike critters of all shapes and sizes. I don't have a problem with her hunting and killing creepy crawly things in the house. Last week she dismembered and then squashed a daddy longlegs. There wasn't much left of it to eat, but she did play with the severed legs until they stopped moving.

She had a lot of fun playing with this cricket yesterday.

I checked on her a few minutes later and all I found was one lone cricket leg. It wasn't moving.

I've got to get a decent digital camera. There is no reason for the cricket to be that out of focus. Also my camera has a very long delay betwen my pressing the button and the shutter actually opening for the picture. It is difficult to get an action photo this way. I was trying to be patient until Christmas, but I think I might be buying myself a present in the near future. I need more pixels, better optics, zoom capability, and it should all come in a smaller package than the dinosaur digital camera I am using now. Anyone have any recommendations?


LL said...

Get a good one. :P

Those things improve so quickly, I'm waaaaaay out of any loop that I may have been in a couple years ago...

fakies said...

Once you buy it, don't leave it in the car for a thief.

NYPinTA said...

Your kitty looks so much like mine!