Thursday, September 07, 2006

Impending Doom?

I'm learning to reflexively dread staff meetings. Every time we have one, our schedules and clinic assignments get shuffled around. Usually just as everyone has adjusted to the last batch of changes.

Today we had a staff meeting and guess what? Our schedules and clinical assignments are going to get changed as of October 1. Only they didn't tell us who was going where. Nice. The only change they did tell us about leaves an opening at the satellite location that I usually cover when their physicist is only there part time. I have a bad feeling that I'll end up getting assigned there full time. The people there are nice and everything, but there isn't enough to do and it is very dull. Plus the types of procedures they perform are limited in scope, so I will get zero opportunity to learn anything new. Since I am a junior physicist, training opportunities are extremely important.

Sure, I haven't heard anything official about it, and maybe I am getting upset for nothing. I hope so. But my gut says differently. I have that awful feeling of impending doom.


fakies said...

I hate change too. My schedule has gotten so worked over lately that I don't know which end is up. As long as they don't assign you to Timbuktu...

fermicat said...

I'm still taking this very badly. I feel like I've been sucker punched. Depressed, angry, not hungry, can't eat. I just don't see this ending well for me, and I was happy with my current assignment. The chances of it staying the same are pretty much zero. I hate that they announced this change without having made the decisions yet. I can't help but speculate on nine kinds of awful for what they'll end up doing. I can't just shake it off, and now my attitude will probably suck. I mean... why start any projects or do anything extra if it is just going to be taken away from me?

I hate this awful feeling and the uncertainty.

LL said...

Cheer up buttercup! What's the worst that can happen? You get more time to read? :P