I couldn't resist giving this one a whirl:

Dang. A- is OK I guess, but with two masters degrees and many years of postgraduate education in physics, I shouldn't have missed any of these. In my defense, the two I missed had nothing to do with physics.
Given your score, I'm not going to try. I don't need failure.
Good job fermi. I'm glad to see that you still remember the little things. I couldn't. ;)
I'm so with Dave. I saw your score and was like, "Oh forget about it. I'll pretend I got a B." Haha.
Ugh. I am NOT revealing my score.
I sucked. So badly, there's no way I'm telling my score.
Don't feel bad. I'm a science geek. I wouldn't reveal my score if it was a history test. Of course, PDM took it and got a better score than me. But we both missed the one about respiration being aerobic or anaerobic.
I, too, earned an A-. I missed the one about meteroids hurtling through space and the one about the two main functions of fruit. Oh well.
Meteoroids vs. meteors was the other question I missed. Hmm. Would an asteroid become an "aster" if hurtling through our atmostphere?
84% here (B). But I have to admit to guessing on some. Science was never my strong suit.
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