Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Wine-o-meter

The past two days have been insanely busy at work, and frustrating, and difficult, and pegged the "wine-o-meter scale of suckitude". Meaning - they sucked so horribly bad that I poured a glass of wine the MINUTE I walked through the door, which was after 7:00 both nights. Do NOT pass go, do not collect $200 or anything else, do not change clothes, do not pet the cats, do not talk to your spouse. Go directly to the wine rack, plop down your stuff, open a bottle and POUR. Drink liberally. Repeat. Sigh. Unload on your spouse, who has kindly cooked you a dinner. And then try to relax. And get up the next day and do it all again...


LL said...

Oooo... sounds like a pattern I could get into... except for the husband... and the wine.

Jeni said...

Boy, as I've been hopping along here tonight, trying to stay current with my readings again, upon seeing your post it's a shame it's not possible to pawn off some of your extra work onto "Hidden Mahala" who, it seems, is suffering this week with nothing to do during the day at her job, other than try to make people think she's busy, working, doing something of value. Makes me think of that old saying "When it rains, it pours" and it looks like you both are getting rained on, just in opposite ways!
Cheer up -the weekend is coming and you can spend two days, relaxing on your new porch, reveling with your spouse, loving the kitties and having more than a stress-reliever glass of wine! Cheers for better days ahead, right?

MJW said...

It's "too bad" that you probably earn a great income there. That's what makes it really hard to quit jobs like that and find something that barely moves the needle (or cork?) on the Wine-o meter.

By the way, did I just now catch an intentional or unintentional double entendre in your wording? Are you actually saying that you're a wino who has a meter that gages her level of "wino-ness" on a given day? Hahaha. ;-)

fermicat said...

ll - the mental picture of a cowboy drinking wine is pretty funny.

jeni - work has been crazy awful for the entire physics staff this week. But you are right about the weekend coming, and I will definitely get in some quality porch time (with my books, of course - gotta study).

mw - I wouldn't find a job very interesting if it didn't peg the wine-o-meter some days. We were having technical challenges this week, not people-induced trouble. A job that barely moves the needle would be incredibly boring.

TheWriteGirl said...

I have one of those meters, too! Seriously, I was talking with my work friends the other day and we all agree that we're drinking more since we've been working here. I totally understand. But now you've got your lovely new porch and your shiny glider which, combined with the glass or two of wine, should help considerably.

Kathleen said...

I swear I read "do not pass gas," twice because I knew that was NOT what you actually wrote.

MJW said...

Hey, Fermi. Is this why you're in such great shape? ;-)