After yesterday's post, you knew today's Friday cat pic would be heavily photoshopped, right? This photo was my very first experiment with PSE, using the "magic extractor" tool to remove the cluttered background, followed by the addition of a radial blur and a pretty colored background. Zima looks radiant, doesn't she? Or maybe just radioactive...
As soon as I saw this on your flickr account I knew what todays post was going to be.
You know me too well, LL.
And the cats haven't been photographed doing anything cute and/or interesting in the last week.
freaky kitty picture! I love it
The fur standing up like that -that's how our cat, Jorge, looked Sunday night when my son came down here and brought his mammoth dog he just acquired (Bon) for a visit! There was no "cat fight" -no clawing, just a very arched back and the fur standing out all over on Jorge as Bon wanted to get close enough to sniff her but we managed not to let that happen. He seemed more to just want to meet her, not to chase her, but with those animals, one never can tell how things will go.
Love that picture though - really cool!
Reminds me of the Adrian Belew song "Big Electric Cat".
Why you didn't become a professional photographer I don't know.
Wouldn't she look the same if you put her on one of those, static generating machines?
"And the cats haven't been photographed doing anything cute and/or interesting in the last week."
...or the last year, or the last decade, or... :P
myutopia - nice to see you! How's the baby?
jeni - she wasn't puffed up, just fuzzy due to her winter coat. My use of the radial blur accentuated this look.
wa11z - I don't know that song. Will have to look it up here on the internets.
dr s - I've always enjoyed taking photographs. Not sure I'd still enjoy it if it were my job and I had to get it right every time.
ll - pfhththfhffppht.
I, too, saw this photo on your Flickr account. It is very otherworldly, almost in a ghostly way.
Fermi: I've always enjoyed taking photographs. Not sure I'd still enjoy it if it were my job and I had to get it right every time.
I found that to be true after I got a job as a Macintosh Network Administrator. After that all the fun went out of writing my fiction and non-fiction on my computer at home. I know the same would be true if I was expected to write for a living, among other things. The only exception to this rule that I've ever experienced is when I worked as a photographer for a local newspaper. I never got tired of it. If I hadn't also been required to write sports stories (YUCK!!!!!), I probably would have stuck with it.
There's no stopping you now!
A cat like that could be really useful around the house for dusting and such. I can imagine the static charge generated from all that standy-out hair would be a total dust MAGNET.
I'm loving this new side of Zima
LL made me laugh out loud at work and my cubemate just looked at me as I giggled hysterically.
I think the cats are cute and interesting all the time.
mw - maybe you should go back to the new photo business?
thewritegirl - yes, now I know enough to be dangerous!
tiff - alas, she does attract dust, but emits cat hair at a far greater rate.
dianne - her fuzzy side is very appealing.
kat - pay no attention to LL. He thinks Nathan Fillion is OLD. He is obviously deluded.
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