The new porch furniture arrived on the first full day of summer. Seemed quite appropriate. Moxy kept a keen eye on the delivery process from her kitchen window perch.
We spent nearly the entire weekend out there in our outdoor bug-free (mostly) room. Studying still sucks, but it sucks a little less when I can do it on the porch with my cats. On comfy furniture.
New furniture! How great! This is your favorite room in the house now, I'll bet. When you get around to it, give us a shot of the new stuff all arranged on the porch. Complete with cats, of course.:)
Mostly bug-free? Hmmm...
twg - I'm sure you'll see such a photo here sometime.
wa11z - well, there are those teeny tiny gnats that get in there occasionally, plus any bug that is already in the house has a free ticket to the porch. They give the cats something to do...
Looks like the furniture is pretty close to the same pattern as the glider. That's interesting...
NO! No more cats! :P
What's that? More cats? OK!
Yay on the new furniture and being able to study in a really comfortable environment. Anything that helps in the study process is obviously a really good thing, isn't it?
Very nice. At first, I thought "Holy crap, Fermi has a view of a billboard." DUH!
Not enough sleep, that's my excuse.
cats are such excellent supervisors
furniture looks lovely
happy (almost) bug free studying
New furniture too? Awesome. I had a delivery this weekend too. This Toro tractor thingie with all these huge attachments. My husband made those manly grunting noises for it, but I feel a bit overwhelmed. This thing does everything I do outside, but better -- and faster. Is this progress?
Oh, I love "Hanging in There" below. Too cute!! Don't forget to take a pic of the furniture all set up.
OK, you really are a genius ... I just looked at pictures online and I believe my plants are indeed hollyhocks! Thank you so much!
jeni - anything that makes study less painful is good. I still hate it, and have a hard time doing it without getting cranky.
kat - that truck did look like a billboard.
dianne - the cats have already claimed their favorite spots on the new stuff.
beth - I think our mower is a Toro. I used to have a lawn tractor when I had four acres. That would be overkill now. My neighbor used to threaten to weld on a cup holder, because I almost always had a beer with me when I was mowing!
You will enjoy those hollyhocks. I had some one year in Massachusetts. Very pretty - great for a cottage garden. They love the sun. Take pictures when they bloom!
I will take pictures. If you like beer as well, you are my kind of woman. PDM is very lucky!
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