Zima's not acting like herself lately. She's keeping to herself more, and eating less. It could be her unhappiness at the new kitty, and there is a neighborhood cat who has been getting in her face outside, but it could be something more serious. I need to take her to the vet for some bloodwork. I'm worried.
I hope it's just her reacting to the new kitten. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. *hugs*
I'm sure she's pissed off at the world right now, but I'm glad to hear you're taking her in anyway. Better safe than sorry.
I hope pictures lie.
She's fine. New kitten blues.
We've segregated her from the other two cats in our master bedroom and bath, to give her a little peace. She'll go see the vet tomorrow. She is sneezing up a storm today. It seems likely she is sick with something. Hopefully the vet will know how to make her better.
Thanks for the well wishes. Keep thinking good thoughts.
Let's just hope it's Silvio who's got her noise out of joint. How old is she, anyway?
That was supposed to be nose, not noise. :)
Zima is 13.
Get well soon, Zima. You've still got a lot of years left with her.
Gosh, Dave hit the nail on the head. Zima looks so sad in this picture. I know you're a master of cat photographs, but wow, it's heartbreaking shot. I hope everything turns out all right. I'm sure it will.
Amazing Zima is 13. She looks so young!
*A heartbreaking shot, forget the "a"
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