Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring: geeky facts, cleaning, and crossing stuff off my list

It's official -- as of 8:07pm EDT, 3/20/07 (or 00:07 UTC, 3/21/07 if you want to get technical) the vernal equinox has arrived! Now here is where I would usually post a bunch of science geek links about the event. Oh what the hell. Here they are: Why are the day and night not exactly equal on the first day of spring? Because the sun is not a point source! That whole "standing an egg on its end on the vernal equinox" thing is bad astronomy, i.e. just a myth. If you are dying to know the exact moment spring arrives, here are the dates of the vernal equinox every year from 1452 to 2547. That ought to cover ya.

I'm feeling the need for sunshine and spring cleaning. Not exactly looking forward to the cleaning part of it, but we ordered a new vacuum cleaner and when that puppy arrives, I will be vacuuming every surface in the house. Cats beware!! There are dust bunnies bigger than a rottweiler floating around under things and in corners and it is high time we get rid of them. Our vintage 1965 vacuum needs the bearings re-packed, and nobody seems to want to do it even if we pay them good money, so the house has not had a decent vacuuming in months (just a quick going over with our little stick vac right before company comes).

And for some other fresh news, I'm happy to report that I am writing this post using my newly-repaired notebook computer. You know, the one that has been broken for approximately two years, that I never used because it was such a pain in the ass to get it to boot up. That one. I finally sent it in, and now that it has a new motherboard, it is as good as it ever was. Getting this sucker fixed was number one on my big damn list of shameful procrastination, so I am happy that it is now a "to enjoy" item rather than a "to do" item. I guess that one of these months I'll have to move on down the list and get a new cell phone with a local number.


BC said...

I need a new vac. With the new dog around, there seems to be more hair that I can handle. She sheds in small white clumps.

But this gave me an idea for a new post myself. :D

fermicat said...

Good! It's been a long time since we've seen a new post from you. Looking forward to hearing how the new dog is settling in.

TheWriteGirl said...

You want to talk procrastination? I am the Queen of Procrastination! In fact I'm doing it right now. I should be working on my freelance job. But never mind me. This is about YOU, fermi! Congrats on getting the laptop fixed. You can proudly cross it off the list.

And as far as science geeky stuff, I can't get enuff of it! I am no scientist as you know but I love it. I love reading about it. I love the exercise of trying to wrap my brain around stuff I don't understand.

Oh yeah -- Happy Spring!

fermicat said...

Happy Spring to you to! Now get back to work on that freelance job. ;-)

wa11z said...

Happy cleaning and computing, Fermi.

LL said...

Geeky goodness at it's finest.

fakies said...

Dust bunnies? So that's what that is in the corner of my bedroom. I thought I had gotten another cat and forgotten about it.

Kathleen said...

Happy Spring! And congrats on the new vacuum. I think I was excited about my "new" vacuum the first two times I used it. Now, it's like all vacuums and I'm pretty much over it. I hate that I have to use it occasionally.

ctheokas said...

I love new vacuum cleaners. I had the Fantom when it first came out. Ahh, that was bagless paradise, and hepa filtered suction-y goodness. Sigh. Those were the days.

TheWriteGirl said...
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TheWriteGirl said...

I'm itching to move up to the big time -- the Dyson! That thing is so geeky looking, it's actually sexy. But the price is kinda steep, and frankly, I'm not sure I could stand being that clean.