He's so darned cute, but growing up fast. But if he continues to chew on power cords he isn't going to grow up at all. Stupid kitty. :-(
It is the end of August and for my beloved Yellow Jackets, football season begins tomorrow. It is an away game - at Notre Dame, right there under the "touchdown Jesus" or what have you. It's a big game. We'll see what happens. Tailgating will have to wait one more week, but that's OK. For now we'll get some pulled pork, brunswick stew, cole slaw and beer and watch the action on our "big ass TV" in the comfort of our air conditioned den.
Have a happy holiday weekend everyone. Be safe.
Oh, and since it is college football season: THWG!
Silvio is sooooooooo cute!
Enjoy the football. Football season is when I'm especially glad I'm single as I hate it.
I just LOVE him! Too too cute. You have some damn cute kitties.
Even without the spread, I think you have a shot at winning tomorrow.
My goodness he is one handsome kitty!
They're playing Nostradamus, eh?
Well... I know who I'll be rooting for.
kat - I don't like pro football, but enjoy the college rivalries. We have a lot of fun at work with college football and basketball. There is a good mix of team loyalties and many of the teams play each other at some point.
magnetbabe - there is something inherently adorable about kittens and other young animals. I hope he doesn't grow up too fast.
dave - I know a lot of people who are predicting a Tech win. I hope so, but can't be objective about making predictions.
writegirl - Silvio thanks you!
ll - hmmm, you aren't going to pick Tech's opponents are you? Kind of like you always play against me on "hurt-heal"? ;-)
He is so cute. BTW, if anyone is looking for an adorable female kitty my neighbor has a stray that she is taking care of and would like to find a new home for her. She's very lovable. Not feral at all. And tiny! I don't think she's going to get much bigger either. Her mom was tiny too. (Stupid neighbors- other neighbors- won't get their cat fixed and let her run around all the time. Poor kitty.)
She sounds sweet and I hope she gets a good home. People should spay or neuter their pets. It is a shame that unwanted animals starve on the streets or die in shelters.
I'm so close to taking her too. But she's an outdoor cat and I have two indoor cats already.
Maybe I'll take her picture and put it up on my blog or something. Hell, buy an ad in the paper. It is such a shame when someone won't take care of animals they profess to love. I mean, if you aren't going to take care of it, don't get it!
Shop him around to anyone you know. You never know who is ready for a kitty. This happened recently with two coworkers. One (who would dearly love to have a kitty but her husband is allergic) had a kitty come and live with them, and another coworker was ready for a kitty and she adopted him. Everybody was happy. I'm happy because a kitty found a good home, and he is so cool (and looks just like my Moxy Cat).
I actually laughed on Saturday when I heard Michigan lost to Appalachian State and I went to Michigan. You would have thought the sky was falling the way people were upset and talking about how the season is over now, blah blah blah. Dear heavens, it's only the first game.
I'm glad for you that GA Tech won, but I always root for Notre Dame. I get that from my Grandma.
I found the Michigan upset amusing. Chalk one up for the little guys! But if you are a good team that is going to blow it, best to get it done early. They have the rest of the season to rise back up through the rankings if they are really that good. If you lose like that near the end, you are toast.
I kinda figured you for a ND fan. :-) I dislike the team because of all the special attention they get, such as having their own TV contract. Puhleeze. I also think they tend to be overrated, especially in the preseason, because of their history and popularity. But now I have to root for them to do well for the rest of the season, so our beating them will mean more.
Fermi - I pay so little attention to college football that I had no clue they had their own TV contract. It's just a Catholic thing. ;-)
He is soooooooo cute.
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