Monday, May 14, 2007


So I went to the eye doctor today. It didn't go so well. We discussed the use of bifocals and/or reading glasses. Gawd. I was depressed for the rest of the day. I don't have a single gray hair, but my eyes think they're 60.

Oh, and I will NOT be getting bifocals. Hmpf.


Kelly said...

Don't worry about it! You'll appreciate being able to see again
: )

fakies said...

My eyes are getting progressively worse because of my computer work. My mom keeps suggesting that I get the lasik surgery. Lasers near my peepers? No thanks!

At least you're not waking up without an alarm. Now that's old!

dr sardonicus said...

Been there, done that. When the pages get too blurry to read, you'll reconsider. Also concuuring with trinamick, spending a large chunk of my day in front of a computer screen doesn't help.

None of us stay 21 forever.

fermicat said...

When it gets bad enough that I have to hold a book at arm's length to read it, sure, I'll get bifocals. Hopefully many years from now...

TheWriteGirl said...

Congratualtions! You've joined the club. Like the good doctor said...been there, done that. There's really no way around it. I can't read a menu in a restaurant now without hauling out the reading glasses. I wear contacts for my middle and distance vision, reading glasses for computer work and reading.

I read about this procedure that uses radio waves to tighten up the cornea so you don't need bifocals but it's fairly new and I don't know how it does after several years.

Jim Donahue said...

I've been using reading glasses for the last three years or so. Bifocals seem inevitable sooner or later, as both my parents got them in their 40s, and my distance vision is sort of on the cusp. I'll be 45 this summer (ugh), so probably pretty soon for me.

LL said...

I feel for you fermi.

And if blogger hadn't been frelling with me for the last couple days, I'd have told you not to worry, just give up reading and your problem is solved.

"At least you're not waking up without an alarm. Now that's old!"

Shouldn't you be putting a bucket under a leak or something? ;)

BC said...

My eye doc said that my vision is improving in the distance area but I will be needing something for reading as well. Ive thought about reading glasses but not sure how that works to just go and buy them off the rack.

fermicat said...

bc - start with the lowest power reading glasses and try them out. Or ask your eye doc what power you need.

Kathleen said...

My eye doctor told me that last year. I refused to participate in that little fantasy of hers. Of course, I'm due to go back soon, so I'm sure she'll try again. I'm with you, chica!!!