Monday, November 02, 2009

Nickeled and Dimed

I'm in Chicago on a business trip. Had to pay $15 to check my suitcase on the flight. The very expensive hotel I'm in charges for wireless internet access. Cheaper hotels usually give you wireless for free, along with breakfast. (Right now, I am using the free wi-fi at the convention hall.) I skipped the expensive breakfast at the expensive hotel and grabbed some tea and banana bread from Starbucks. My 16 ounce hot tea costs more than a 12 ounce tea, but they both only use only one tea bag. The vending machines for Chicago's rail system do not accept credit cards, and they don't give back change. I will have to hunt around for correct change next time. You also don't get a receipt, which will complicate my expense reporting. My employer wants proof of every little thing to a ridiculous degree, so I guess I will try taping the used transit card to my paperwork and see if that satisfies the corporate overlords. If nothing else, now I can say I've ridden the 'L'.


Jenn said...

but but... you got the Tech win to carry you thru the rest of the business trip.

LL said...

Use your camera phone every time you buy something and then turn the pictures in...

Don't you just love expensive hotels that are cheap?

BC said...

I was only in Chicago once and that was due to a 6 hour layover at the train station. Sucked. Oh yes it did.

BC said...
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fermicat said...

Dr Jenn - coach says every time you win, the next one gets bigger. I'm ready for some more football on The Flats!

LL - that's not a bad idea.

BC - I haven't had much time for sightseeing, but I did get a chance to walk around some yesterday and liked it.

Dave said...

El. For elevated. Not to be picky.

Tom Bailey said...

Viewpoint: This is not gospel truth just a viewpoint.

Employers in tough economies can be a little tight down to the penny. I do it and I am guilty of it at times. But I do see value in the small things added up over time... and ignoring small things can be a habbit for me at least.

I like your blog.

fermicat said...

Dave - I wasn't sure, so I looked it up. The Chicago Transit website writes it as 'L', and wikipedia wasn't that definitive about it.

Tom - welcome and thanks for stopping in. I did well for my employer this week. That train ride to and from the airport saved them $40 each way for cab fare, I shared a room with a coworker, and I also didn't rack up much of a dining bill.

Dave said...

Well 'ell, if they say it's L, then it is I guess, though I just read a post at Curmudgeon's place, a Chicago native, and he spelled it "el."

fermicat said...

Dave - sometimes the unofficial name carries more weight than the "real" one. It will be "el" next time I write about it. Might be a while...

Kathleen said...

Ah, yes, Chicago is an expensive town. The hotel internet thing is a point of contention for my friend HRH. Cheap hotels = free internet. Vegas hotels = $18/day.

I don't know of any public transportation that gives change.

Kathleen said...

Except taxis, of course, but I was thinking more along the lines subways, buses, etc.

fermicat said...

Kat - I think Atlanta's subway is more visitor friendly, because there are lots of options and everything is well explained. And they take credit cards and give change.