Monday, December 10, 2007

Ho, Ho, HOT!

While the rest of the country is shivering through snow and ice storms, we in the southeast have been enjoying record high temperatures. It is hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it is hot enough to wear shorts and sandals! Christmas shopping is usually a cold and windy affair no matter where you live, but not for us this year. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. No, y'all can keep your icy roads and power outages. I'll take balmy 77 degree days and hazy sunshine any time. Ho, ho, hot! At least through Wednesday... after that, the party's over.


LL said...

So it'll drop to what... mid 40's?

It was cold here today, and snowed all day. It was what I call an "inside day". I lit a fire and worked in the shop, then spent the afternoon in me ol' casa.

fermicat said...


I remember those snow days from Massachusetts. I enjoyed them, as long as I didn't have to go anywhere and deal with the shoveling and hazardous driving. There is something comforting about being in a nice cozy house and looking out your window at the snowfall.

Beth said...

As if my life didn't suck enough right now. =( No, just kidding. Enjoy it. Pretty soon we'll screw up this planet so bad we'll either all fry or there'll be another ice age. Haha. (boy, am I bad tidings or what?)

Jeni said...

It's a cold rainy day here thus far and although I hate winter rains, I do know it's a necessity. My son just called me to tell me he got called out to work today and he was happy because they were sending him south - Atlanta, as a matter of fact - instead of the west runs (LA,Portland, etc) he normally gets. Hope the nice weather down you way holds up a little while anyway.

fermicat said...

beth - you need a little sunshine and warm weather in your life right now. Unfortunately, I don't believe you are going to get any in your corner of the world.

jeni - If he's coming in the next couple of days, he's in luck. It will get cooler after that, but it looks like a gentle drop rather than a cold front that is abrupt. I am so glad to be back home in the south.

TheWriteGirl said...

I have good friends in Australia who celebrate Christmas with a traditional family barbecue and pool party. I guess it's all a matter of what you're used to.

wa11z said...

It is nice here, isn't it?

fermicat said...

twg - A summery Christmas would be weird, but warm Christmases are nice. It looks like winter outside (bare trees, etc.), but it doesn't feel like it.

wa11z - sure is!

Jim Donahue said...

Indeed, snow/sleet is forecast for Long Island today. I hate driving home in that.

fermicat said...

Driving in wintry weather was never my cup of tea.

We're due for another day in the 70s. I love the south.

Kathleen said...

I heard you're supposed to get rain today. I hope so, for your sake. We're supposed to be getting 3-6" of the white crap tomorrow night into Sunday morning...of course, I have plans to be driving all over God's green earth during said snowstorm. I'm not happy.

fermicat said...

It doesn't appear that we will get anything of significance. It spit a little misty rain yesterday, but today's forecast is sunny. Maybe a few showers on Saturday in advance of the cold front.