Saturday, December 15, 2007


I've been tagged by Jeni to list seven things about me. Err, thanks, I think.

1. I procrastinate. A lot. In fact, half of the stuff I listed last December is still not done. I knocked out one of them just today (local cell phone number, a mere 3.5 years after moving). Another one (the window treatments for the not-so-new house) was completed just a few weeks ago. That is the way it works. Nothing happens for months (or years), and then all of a sudden I decide to "just do it" and have a spurt of productivity.

2. Back in 1984, during my first quarter in college, the only "A" I got was in Marching Band. Lets just say high school was way too easy for me and I had NO IDEA how to study, and not much inclination to do so because I was busy having fun. It got better as time went on.

3. When I went back to Tech in 2004 to work on a second MS degree, I didn't get any final grades less than an "A". Older + wiser + genuinely interested + good work ethic = CURVEBUSTER!

4. I lived in Massachusetts for over twelve years, but never went to a Red Sox game. Meant to. Procrastinated... At least I got to see a Celtics game in the old Boston Garden.

5. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. Things didn't quite work out that way, but space travel isn't exactly the way I had imagined it either. The food and sanitary facilities are far superior in my current occupation.

6. I've been debt free (except mortgage) since 2003. Love it! My best advice is to not get into debt in the first place. It was hard to get out of. But doable. If you don't know how to do it, this book will show you the way.

7. I've been growing my hair out so that I can donate it to Locks of Love. I started well over a year ago, and my hair is about as long as it has ever been in my adult life. It will take another six months to a year before I have the minimum 10" ponytail that they ask for and still have enough hair left for me to not freak out.


LL said...


wa11z said...

I ebb and flow as well with things I need to do. I will go weeks without taking care of any business and them in one day I will knock out 5 things...

Jeni said...

Funny, but I didn't picture you as a procrastinator at all! I, on the other hand, am a master at that! Loved your logic on the space travel and sanitary conditions too! I'd say you did a really great job of posting seven things, kid!

Beth said...

Loved these facts. I cut my hair below my shoulders and am growing it long again. I am seriously considering donating as well. I like to cut it once I grow it out, so why shouldn't it go to a good cause?

fermicat said...

ll - is that a good "hmmmmmmm" or a bad "hmmmmmmmm"?

wa11z - I'm glad I'm not the only one.

jeni - I don't procrastinate much on the job, but I seem to make up for that in my personal life (where I don't have to worry about a job review).

beth - If you only cut once in a while, it is a painless thing to do to donate the hair. Even if you don't meet their minimum, they will sell your donation to raise cash for their cause, so you are still doing a good thing. I see so many children and adults who have lost their hair in the course of my job, I really want to try to help out and do a good thing.

tiff said...

procrastinate - check.

not knowing how to study - check check check. They oughtta teach the smart kids in HS how to study. I had no clue either. My first semester I got my first non-math C, and it blew my freaking mind...(I'm not the best maths student ever, so a C there was precedented)

Growing out the hair - also check.

Great list!

ctheokas said...

Procrastinators of the world! Unite! But let's do it tomorrow.

fermicat said...

tiff - glad I'm not the only one. And yes, a "how to study" class would be helpful, except that kids wouldn't learn anything in that class on account of how they don't know how to study!!

ctheokas - sounds cool, get back to me later.

NYPinTA said...

I was debt free once. *sigh* I miss that.