Sunday, December 21, 2008


Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!


Jeni said...

And also to you! Cool explanation about the solstice too!

fermicat said...

Jeni - and right on cue, it got cold again on the first day of winter. It had been in the 70s for a few days. Not anymore. :(

Dianne said...

that's lovely


LL said...

Just got cold? 70s?

Boy you do have it rough, don't you...

fermicat said...

Dianne - APOD has some great stuff. I use that as my home page so I don't miss anything.

LL - it's not like it has been solid in the 70s since October or anything. Just a few days of it going into the weekend. We had a colder autumn than usual. Not as cold as yours, but still...

Beth said...

Hey, I'm not "back," but am just checking on a few of my favorite bloggers. I got all caught up. Loved the pics. I just turned in change as well. I keep all my change in a plastic Ziploc in my bookbag and when it's full, I turn it into Coinstar. I had like $60 this time.

Anyhow, I hope you, the kitties and PDM have a super Christmas!

Jenn said...

Well that was different. I thought that winter solstic had to do with greek sun gods. My mind is on the diminish! Lol
Meowy Christmas.

fermicat said...

Beth!! Good to see ya. Merry Christmas, and I am looking forward to when you resume posting. Mondays will be fun again. ;-)

Jenny - I'm all about the science! Meowy Christmas to you also.