Things have calmed down over the last twenty four hours, and I feel as mellow as Moxy looks here. Two cups of chamomile and citrus tea will do that for you. The headache is finally gone and that makes a huge difference in my attitude. It is difficult to avoid being bitchy when you are in pain for several days straight! It feels so good to be rid of a migraine. My good mood today bordered on silliness, and it seemed to be catching on with others around me.
More training is scheduled at work tomorrow, and it continues into next week. I'll take it one session at a time, and try to save a little room in my schedule for surreptitiously goofing off. One advantage to having a dual monitor setup on the work computer is that you can have work up on the more visible one and slip in some extracurricular activities on the other. Besides, I need something to do while I'm waiting on the computer to finish a long calculation.
Have yourselves a swell weekend. It won't be hard for you to top mine (unless you are moving or getting a root canal) - I will have my head in the books again for two days of marathon study sessions. Yeehaw.
When you are done with your exam, will you please come to my home and photograph my kitties? Thanks.
Love the old look of this picture, and Moxy looks so pensive.
A benefit of being my own boss: my screen directly faces the door to my office and is on whatever site I want to look at at the moment.
hang in there with the studying! I'm so glad your head feels better.
Moxy looks so sweet. Great photo
Im glad you are feeling better. When I get a migraine I tend to sit in a dark room with the ac on high and just cry for a few hours til I pass out.
Big hugs for you
magnetbabe - sure thing! I could use a trip to Florida. :-)
dave - Not only are my monitors highly visible from my office door; my office is also directly across the hall from the CT control room - a high traffic area in our department.
dianne - thanks. I hope to get some quality study time in this weekend. I'm starting to feel more organized about it.
bc - I also prefer a dark, cold room for headaches. I put on my eye shades and lay with the side of my head that hurts the most resting on an ice pack. I have three or four that I change out so it is always cold.
Awww ferm, Moxy is a dollbaby in that pic!
Now that I think about it, I don't really get headaches.
jenny - Moxy thanks you!
wa11z - you are lucky. I've been getting them regularly since I was a kid. At least the drugs are better now...
Oh, that's a sweet picture of Moxy.
kat - she's a sweet cat. Mostly.
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