Friday, March 07, 2008

Friday CatBlogging*

Silvio is so adorable that it is easy to forget what a stinker he can be. Like when he gallops around the house (and all over the bed) very early in the morning when we are trying to squeeze in a few extra minutes of sleep before we have to get ready for work. He can sound like a whole herd of cats, stirring up trouble and pestering the other two. His "midnight cat crazies" tend to happen at 3, 4, or 5am.

*This Friday CatBlogging is being posted on a Friday. Just for LL.


Kathleen said...

I have always said that God made kittens, puppies and babies cute so you don't kill them.

And you just describe the reason I adopt adult cats. ;-)

That's an absolutely adorable picture. I'm sure LL is going to love it.

LL said...

I feel like I've been so helpful. What ever would you do without me?

Jeni said...

Love the look on Silvio's face - kind of an impish "who, me?" expression! Our little Nina tends to get the same type of expression at times.
Oh - before I forget - my daughter Mandy asked me a question and I said I would ask you or Magnetbabe -my "cat scholar" people here. Mandy wants to know if it is true -or an old cat's tale (like an old wife's tale) that only female cats are calicos? I never heard that one before but a friend of hers told her it's true. What say you?

LL said...

I don't think that's true jeni. Calicos come in both sexes, but I have heard that 3 colored calico males are as scarce as hen's teeth, and when actually found, command a premium price for breeding.

Now the question I always had was... if you have a male calico with only 2 colors... how could he be a calico?

LL said...

Seems I'm wrong...


fermicat said...

kat - adult cats have certain advantages, true.

jeni and ll - calico cats are almost always female because they need two X chromosomes to have this tri-color pattern. Male cats can have it if they are XXY males - having an extra X chromosome.

ll's link has a lot of it covered, but here is more on the topic.

Dianne said...

I love Silvio!

my Siren does the midnight cat crazies - it's especially adorable (not so much) when he bounces off of walls and projects himself full speed into lamps.

LL said...

What? No post whining about the snow and cold weather there today?

Are you feeling alright?

fermicat said...

The snow flurries were definitely flying this morning (so cute!), and it is colder than I'd like. So I stayed inside my warm house and did some spring cleaning. No worries... it will be t-shirt weather again by Monday.

dr sardonicus said...

When he looks at you like that, you could forgive that cat anything.

Kathleen said...

Snow? Cute? Darn southerners. ;-)