Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not Feelin' the Love

It's not even August and I am already irritated by our local newspaper's coverage of college football. Last week the online poll asked who would win more games, UGA or Georgia Tech and the Atlanta Falcons combined. Hmm, maybe they should ask which team will have more members arrested. UGA is number 7 on the latest Fulmer Cup list. Go team.


dr sardonicus said...

Phil Fulmer's cup? That's pretty damn gruesome, if you ask me...

Be an athletic supporter - everybody loves a jock!

LL said...

Niiiice Dr. S...

ESPN just picked UGA to be the best in the nation too...

fermicat said...

dr s - henh.

ll - they aren't tops on all the lists. Not that that shuts up their fan base, which are already verging on insufferable.

Here's to hoping that Georgia Southern is this year's Appalachian State. Now that would shut those puppies up.

Kathleen said...

Oh no, is it football season already?