The last of our family left today and we had a quiet evening alone for the first time in more than a week. And the robocalls have finally ceased (runoff election was today). Ahhhhh, silence.
Did you catch the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus with the crescent Moon last night? The thin cloud layer obscured the view of the planets here, but they are still dancing with each other tonight, even though the moon has moved on. Jupiter and Venus will slowly pull away from each other in the coming days. Look toward the constellation of Sagittarius just after sundown to see the pair shining bright.
My photos of the sky tonight didn't turn out well (no tripod handy), so I've posted a shot of the October full moon instead. I worked late that day and the rising moon greeted me when I walked out of the building. Instant mood changer. As for the conjunction, here is what it looked like for people with clearer skies than ours.
UPDATE 12/4: Astronomy Picture of the Day had an outstanding photo of the conjunction taken from Austria. It shows the Moon just before and after occulting Venus.
Very cool. Keith Olbermann showed the frowny face on his show last night while I saw a picture of the smiley face from the southern hemisphere at sfgate's Day in Pictures.
Too bloody cold here to be standing outside looking at the sky.
Didn't even know it was happening...
You're failing at your task fermi!
It was fairly cloudy here, but I did see the two planets through my front window coincidentally.
very cloudy here so I'm not really sure what I saw lol
your photo here and the one below are so pretty
did Silvio do OK?
What a pretty sky!
Saw the conjunction right out my front porch window - so cool to see our neighbor planets without any assistance!
I did that fabulous sky! Some days, life on this planet is just chock full of treats.
Big sigh of relief to get your house back!'s great when they come to visit, and then it's great when they leave. My prodigal son returns from 5 years in China next week. I'll be happy to see him but I'm dreading having him as my roomie! Hope he gets his own place soon, but with the economy like it is, who knows?
My condolences to the state of Georgia on the re-election of Saxby Chambliss.
Kat - on Monday we could see only parts of the moon's crescent. The only frown we saw was on our own faces.
LL - oops.
Dianne - Silvio spent much of his time in my closet. He was OK when we were down to one guest.
NYPinTA - indeed.
tiff - love those wanderers. So bright.
writegirl - back for good? Wow. I wish him luck getting himself established again.
dr s - not really a big surprise that a deep red state is sending him back to the Senate. At least all the mailers and phone calls have stopped. I'm sick of that crap.
Hi Folks - I added an update with a link to another great photo of this event.
I like the picture over LA. I like yours too, the colors came out in a fun shade. About the mars jupiter thing. I had a slight moment of heart faliure this morning when molly said,"look a shooting star" and mommy vision was that of Jupiter spinning out of control towards the earth. Needless to say, she saw the white cloud thing that comes from the back of a jet. Geeze.
jenny - Molly has a good imagination!
Sadly, it was my imagination! She just said a shooting star!
We got a chance to see them with the telescope and Cami loves this sort of thing. I really would have liked to take her to the mountains for a better view but the cold wasnt on our side.
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