A strange male has been hanging around outside my house.
This tomcat hasn't figured out that my two spayed females will NEVER be interested in him. He's trying very hard -- strutting around, marking territory, trying his best pickup lines on the girls. Zima is surprisingly tolerant of his presence. No fighting yet. I think Moxy would kick his ass if we let her out. Since we don't, she can only glare at him from the windows or the porch. That leaves Silvio to defend his territory alone. He's not having such a great time with it. They mostly have loud confrontations rather than actual fights, but Silvio never seems to get the advantage. His chief strategy seems to be finding new and creative places to hide. At least there has been no bloodshed.
Maybe Romeo will find a willing female elsewhere in the neighborhood and move on. He's a friendly guy. Handsome, too. I wouldn't mind him being around, except for his caterwauling and spraying.