Monday, January 22, 2007

A Quiz That Asks The Right Questions

Yankee or Dixie?

My score? 87% Dixie.

Glad to know my 12.5 years in Massachusetts didn't seem to have any permanent effects. I still think THEY talk funny, not me.


Jim Donahue said...

You both do, my dear. You both do.*

*I'd like to point out here that I have ABSOLUTELY NO TRACE of a Long Island accent, whatsoever.

ctheokas said...

70% (Dixie). A definitive Southern score!

I'm a little surprised.

wa11z said...

79% Dixie. Not surprising. I've lived in the South my entire life.

LL said...

Definitive Yankee. But this test is flawed... :P

There were a lot of questions that I could've gone either way on.

TheWriteGirl said...

Just barely into the Yankee category, which is interesting since I spent 12 of my first 18 years in Massachusetts.

fermicat said...

I'm sure most of these quizzes have severe limitations, but they are still fun.

dr sardonicus said...

It said I was 55% Dixie. I'm gonna grab my gun...

A lot of those "Southern" expressions filtered up into the Midwest, brought by Southerners looking for work in the factories of Chicago, St. Louis, and Detroit. St. Louis, depending on your viewpoint, is either the southernmost Northern city or the northernmost Southern city. Drive an hour or so south towards the Bootheel, and you're in Dixie.

Jim Donahue said...

Hm. I'm 52% Dixie, which seems a little odd since I've lived in the Northeast my whole life.

Maybe I'm destined to move south.

fakies said...

47% Yankee, so just barely. There were several that I use more than once of those words, so it could have gone either way.

fakies said...

If I change to the other words I use, I'm now 58% Dixie.

47Y + 58D = 105% BS ?

fermicat said...

I tried changing a few answers where I was on the fence. The resulting score was 81% Dixie. There's no danger I will ever be mistaken for a Yankee, although I can imitate a northern accent fairly well after living in New England for so long.

Kathleen said...

I was 40% Yankee which I didn't understand. Does that mean I'm 60% Dixie? How can that be?

fermicat said...

I think that if you score less than 50% it says you have Yankee accent, and anything greater puts you in Dixie territory. It is a bit confusing to do it that way.