Hello. My name is Fermicat. I'm 44 years old, and rockin' my new Star Wars phone. Too nerdy? I don't care. Santa brought me the Motorola DROID R2-D2 and I love it. I even got a clear cover so the R2-D2 design on the back surface remains visible.
I developed an obsession with The Empire Strikes Back when I was 14 and apparently never quite got over it. Fast forward thirty years. When I saw that there was an R2-D2 version of the DROID 2, that finally settled the question of which smart phone to go with.
It is almost unbelievable what these phones will do. (Yes, it is my first smart phone. Can you tell?) I've had a blast downloading apps. Compass? Check. GPS tool? Check. Route tracker with offline topo maps? Check. Interactive sky map? Check. Scientific calculator? Check. Barcode scanner? Check. Pandora? Check. Forum reading app? Check. IMDB, movies, sports tap, shazam, twitter, Earth, photoshop, NPR news widget, traffic reporter, trip advisor, navigator? Checkcheckcheck... Hell, I even downloaded a lightsaber. And with a little luck, I could probably shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level. That'll come in handy if I ever need to escape the Death Star.
The Force will be with me, always. Or at least until my contract runs out.
Since you are on Android, do download Gesture Search. Instead of pressing a bunch of icons you draw the letters in what you are looking for with your finger, a person, a website, and so on. It learns what you do most and brings it up, after awhile, what you want is usually first up. Tap it and you are there.
I think my nerd quotient increased tenfold just reading that post fermi...
Now if only there was a "local bar" ap for you to download...
Dave - Never heard of that one. I'll have to check it out.
LL - That would be awesome.
That thing is so cool. I wouldnt even begin to figure out how to use it though.
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