Project 365 = one photo a day.
Why do it? Because if you want to get better at something, a really good way to do that is to practice every day. That's it.
So far I haven't missed a day of shooting, although I am a couple of days behind in converting the RAW files and many days behind in posting the final photos to Flickr. [Still having motherboard issues with the Mac, which is not always ready when I am. Really frustrating.]
The photo above (Day 12 - Frozen) is my favorite so far. Several of them have surprised me, where I've been able to make something out of very little. A few didn't pan out that well. But that's how the individual days go. Some turn out better than you expect and other days are utterly forgettable.
Much better... :ewink:
My photos aren't all cats. I also like rocks, trees, clouds, creeks, moss, fungi, flowers, leaves, etc. But not people. I mean... I like people. I just don't take pictures of them.
Not all cats? Could'a fooled me... :P
I like it!!
very cosmic
I like it a lot
I like that each time I look at it I see something more or something different
video of cat food debate on my blog and doc updated
Thanks everyone! I appreciate your comments.
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